Another cat to join
Artkey Universe!
It’s no discussion that we give our clawy furry purry scurry a special place
in our hearts (and even pedestals). They are full of personalities and no two
cats are ever perfectly alike. And that is where we draw inspiration.
If Felix and Sphynix are the indoor type, the kind that prefers to stay
inside and act as the boss of your home office, Otis is just the opposite.
He spends his time in the dimensional rifts of the Multiverse and
occasionally pays visits to exotic planets on his cross-universe trips.You
can say he’s a bit out of this world.
As comfortability proves to be too confined for him, Otis derives
pleasure from exploring the infinity of outer space.
His motto is “I don’t eat fish for breakfast, I eat risks!”

The cat out of the box
The casting and sculpting decisions for Otis are a bit hairy.

As an attempt to break out of the box, we want to go for something wilder, untamed, not unlike the features of an actual feral cat.

While checking all the boxes at the time, our artists had a feeling that something was amiss. It was the feeling - the emotion of the keycap itself. As such, in come the new Otis.

Baring the ominous and mischievous grin.

But at the same time, it still meows Artkey (or in this case, glares Artkey-ly).

The new scouter-style visor. You needn’t worry about variety and customizability, we'll make do somehow.
Original colorway

Months of sculpting finally culminated into Otis, our now cherished nine-life resident of Artkey.
In a way, the development journey of Otis reflects exactly what we strive to do and have been doing ever since we first joined this hobby - to explore and expand the horizons of artisan keycaps.
We wholeheartedly believe this new creation rightly aligns with our belief - “Everything can be art.” And just like with Otis, we understand that we have barely scratched the surface of casting and sculpting keycaps.
With that said, we thank you for always being with us on this journey and please look forward to our many more adventures alongside Otis, our newfound creation.

Another cat to join
Artkey Universe!
It’s no discussion that we give our clawy furry
purry scurry a special place in our hearts (and even
pedestals). They are full of personalities and no
two cats are ever perfectly alike. And that is where
we draw inspiration.
If Felix and Sphynix are the indoor type, the kind
that prefers to stay inside and act as the boss of
your home office, Otis is just the opposite. He
spends his time in the dimensional rifts of the
Multiverse and occasionally pays visits to exotic
planets on his cross-universe trips.You can say
he’s a bit out of this world.
As comfortability proves to be too confined for
him, Otis derives pleasure from exploring the
infinity of outer space.
His motto is
“I don’t eat fish for breakfast, I eat risks!”

The cat out of
the box
The casting and sculpting decisions for Otis are a bit hairy.

As an attempt to break out of the box, we want to go for something wilder, untamed, not unlike the features of an actual feral cat. The initial effort was something like this.

While checking all the boxes at the time, our artists had a feeling that something was amiss. It was the feeling - the emotion of the keycap itself. As such, in come the new Otis

Baring the ominous and mischievous grin.

But at the same time, it still meows Artkey (or in this case, glares Artkey-ly).

The new scouter-style visor. You needn’t worry about variety and customizability, we'll make do somehow.

Original colorway
Months of sculpting finally culminated into Otis, our now cherished nine-life resident of Artkey.
In a way, the development journey of Otis reflects exactly what we strive to do and have been doing ever since we first joined this hobby - to explore and expand the horizons of artisan keycaps.

We wholeheartedly believe this new creation rightly aligns with our belief - “Everything can be art.” And just like with Otis, we understand that we have barely scratched the surface of casting and sculpting keycaps.
With that said, we thank you for always being with us on this journey and please look forward to our many more adventures alongside Otis, our newfound creation.