We like to think that part, if not most, of the fun in the artisan keycap hobby is
sharing with the community. So, even though we can't join our fans at meetups
very often, our keycap creations get plenty to do so.

Thanks to the local offline events held by Vietnam Artisan Community (VAC)
and Vietnam Mechanical Keyboard (VNMK), we get to visit our fans
in Vietnam quite often.
Malware-bite Dracodile

Youko and Metaverse
The Stargazers
Stripes of Glory
Sirius & Kibou

Liberty Sun Sirius, Kibou and Porcus
2022 marked our first visit to
the Philippines, when our caps donned
the colors of the local national flag
Filipino Fiesta Sirius & Otis
We joined the meetup once again in 2023,
dressing up in the theme of Filipino Fiesta

Derpy Sirius, Porcus & Kibou
Also inspired by the local national flag,
but the result came out a bit meme-ish,
hence Derpy, the meme.
Taekwon Bot Sirius
Dressing up as the science-fiction icon of
South Korea and joining an MK Expo in Seoul?
We're in!

Snek Sirius and Felix
The Aussie dudes in the meetup said
they would love to have some nopes
on the keyboard, too.
By the way, it's been a while since we visited the land of
the nope and would love to have another trip.

Sirius, Porcus & Kibou
Artkey in the City of Love,
Musketeers and Baguettes
Sirius, Porcus V1.5, Kibou & Exoboy
Arrived at the largest MK Meetup in
Eastern Europe in their iconic car

The US is home to many makers and even more fans of this hobby.
Thanks to this, we have had plenty of opportunities to visit the many Meetups
across the states.
Super Bowl Sirius, Porcus & Kibou
They're blue! They're white!
They're the Tennessee Titans!

Flag of Chicago Sirius & Benny Bull V2
Artkey joined the Windy City Meetup with
their state flag and The mascot of
Chicago Bulls!

Royal Purple Sirius and Porcus V1.5
The iconic purple royalty.
Who's the inspiration for this colorway,
I wonder?

Lady Liberty Sirius
In 2022, our Sirius, in the colorway of
the Statue of Liberty, visited NYC along with
its Pedestal Switch Holder.
Taxirius Sirius & The Big Apple Otis
And we were in New York again in 2023,
this time taking the 02 icons of the city
- The Yellow Taxi & The Big Apple
The fun of this hobby is to share it between the members of the community. We,
the keycap artisans, would also like to be part of this.
While geographical differences sometimes prove to be too big of an obstacle in our
case, luckily, we have found the solution to this by using the artisan-keycap way.

We like to think that part, if not most, of the fun in
the artisan keycap hobby is sharing with the
community. So, even though we can't join our fans
at meetups very often, our keycap creations get
plenty to do so.

Thanks to the local offline events held by
Vietnam Artisan Community (VAC) and
Vietnam Mechanical Keyboard (VNMK), we
get to visit our fans in Vietnam quite often.
Malware-bite Dracodile

The Stargazers
Youko and Metaverse
Stripes of Glory
Sirius & Kibou

Liberty Sun
Sirius, Kibou and Porcus
2022 marked our first visit to
the Philippines, when our caps
donned the colors of
the local national flag

Filipino Fiesta Sirius & Otis
We joined the meetup once again
in 2023, dressing up in the theme
of Filipino Fiesta
Derpy Sirius, Porcus & Kibou
Also inspired by the local
national flag, but the result
came out a bit meme-ish,
hence Derpy, the meme.
Taekwon Bot Sirius
Dressing up as the science-fiction
icon of South Korea and joining
an MK Expo in Seoul? We're in!

Snek Sirius and Felix
The Aussie dudes in
the meetup said they
would love to have some
nopes on the keyboard, too.
By the way,
it's been a while since we visited the land of the
nope and would love to have another trip.

Sirius, Porcus & Kibou
Artkey in the City of Love,
Musketeers and Baguettes
Sirius, Porcus V1.5,
Kibou & Exoboy
Arrived at the largest
MK Meetup in Eastern Europe
in their iconic car

The US is home to many makers and even more
fans of this hobby.
Thanks to this, we have had plenty of opportunities
to visit the many Meetups across the states.
Super Bowl
Sirius, Porcus & Kibou
They're blue! They're white!
They're the Tennessee Titans!
Flag of Chicago
Sirius & Benny Bull V2
Artkey joined the
Windy City Meetup with their
state flag and The mascot of Chicago Bulls!

Royal Purple
Sirius and Porcus V1.5
The iconic purple royalty.
Who's the inspiration for this colorway,
I wonder?
Lady Liberty Sirius
In 2022, our Sirius,
in the colorway of
the Statue of Liberty,
visited NYC along with
its Pedestal Switch Holder.

Taxirius Sirius &
The Big Apple Otis
And we were in New York
again in 2023, this time
taking the 02 icons of
the city - The Yellow Taxi
& The Big Apple
The fun of this hobby is to share it between the
members of the community. We, the keycap
artisans, would also like to be part of this.
While geographical differences sometimes prove to be
too big of an obstacle in our case, luckily, we have
found the solution to this by using the
artisan-keycap way.